Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone by Roy Huff @realroyhuff @lovebooksgroup #lovebookstours #bookreview #books #reading


Today Kim Livingston reviews Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone by Roy Huff. Out now in paperback and eBook. As part of the Love Books Tour. Be sure to follow the tour.

Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone by Roy Huff

Ancient civilizations, parallel worlds, aliens, time travel, epic fantasy, dragons and college! The Everville series can be read as stand-alone novels and have it all for teens, new adults, and all ages alike.

Two very different worlds, Easton Falls University and the magical realm of Everville are in dire need of a hero. Owen Sage embarks on an epic journey of monumental proportions to save these worlds all while fighting to keep the world within himself intact. This quest is not for the faint of heart nor is it for the weak of mind—only the bravest will succeed. Discovering the well-kept secret of The Fourth Pillar of Truth is only part of the feat. Owen will have to outwit the ever-powerful villain Governor Jahal and overcome countless other challenges along the way.

Author Bio

Roy Huff is a Hawaii-based author, research scientist, and teacher. After a difficult childhood, he moved to the islands and hasn’t looked back.

He’s since earned five degrees, worked on projects forecasting Kilauea volcanic emissions, and trained on geostationary satellites for NASA’s GOES-R Proving Ground. He stumbled into writing, but what he didn’t stumble into is his love for all things science fiction and fantasy. Later, he contributed a series of fiction and non-fiction books as well as widely shared posts on how to design life on your terms.

Despite early challenges, he embraces optimism, science, and creativity. He still dreams of traveling into space and circumnavigating the globe. But until then, he makes Hawaii his home, where he creates new worlds with the stroke of a pen. And he hopes you’ll come along for the amazing ride.

Stay tuned to Roy Huff’s upcoming releases and promotions on his author portal at https://royhuff.net and on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. @realroyhuff

Review by Kim Livingston

Everville The Fall of Brackenbone, by Roy Huff, is the first follow up novel to the Everville Trilogy. Originally published in 2015, it is now included in the box set. Book five is currently in the writing stage.

Lovers of CS Lewis’ Narnia books will likely enjoy this series as well.  Though The Fall of Brackenbone can be read as a stand-alone, I would highly suggest reading the first three in the series before picking it up. If you are going to love this book, you will love it, even more, starting from the beginning of the saga. 

Based between worlds and time, Huff transports the reader back and forth from the now to the Other. It is filled with a plethora of fantasy characters who face danger at every turn. In researching his other novels, I found lots of great reviews who recommend the series for kids of all ages who like fantasy adventures. 

“Very imaginative …Roy Huff has woven an imaginative story, a wild journey through portals into multiple universes, as you follow characters who dip into magical tool chests to overcome challenges, like the participants in a role-playing game…Roy’s readers will enjoy this new YA fantasy.” – Brian Herbert son of Frank Herbert’s Dune series.

“In many ways I found myself pulled into the complex world of Everville and saw shades of Narnia…If you or your children like tales of adventure with lessons of character along the way then this is a great series for you.” – Jackie Cooper #1 AMAZON HALL OF FAME REVIEWER

“Huff’s novel took me to a different place, where daily life is somehow seen as only a surface-rippling manifestation of its beyond and beneath. It was this mix that was interesting to me as the book moved me ever so swiftly between portals of worlds somehow far distant, yet juxtaposed, in time and space to each other.” – George F. Simons

Huff’s website also includes short stories that he shares willingly. If you are interested in finding an author who will keep the stories coming, Roy Huff is one to watch.

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