Publication Day – Cupcakes Everywhere! by Erin Sarris | Proudly organised by @lovebookstours @kellyalacey #Booknews #BookCommunity #Readers #Bookbloggers #LBTCrew #2024books

Publication Day

Cupcakes Everywhere! by Erin Sarris
Publication Day 17th May
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Age: 0-6

What happens when everyone else in your life easily achieves something
that is always out of reach for you?

In this whimsical reflection on the struggles of infertility, a pair of would-
be parents makes it their mission to bake their very own cupcake in a
world where it comes effortlessly to everyone — except them.

This empowering book written by an infertility mom provides an honest
and encouraging way to talk with children about building a family when
things don’t go as planned.

Lovingly straightforward and relatable, this book is a much-needed
celebratory tale for any family that has overcome infertility.

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