The Yorkshire Farm Girl by Diane Allen @panmacmillan #TheYorkshireFarmGirl @kellyalacey #bookblogger #Reader #booktwt #Sharingiscaring #Bookreview #Scottishbookblogger

The Yorkshire Farm Girl by Diane Allen

Diane Allen’s The Yorkshire Farm Girl is a heartfelt novel of a family dreaming of a better life when war looms on the horizon.

Life is hard for the Fothergill family as they try to make a living on their farm in the Yorkshire Dales. Bob Fothergill has set his sights on buying his own farm instead of renting the one they currently hold. Sally his teenage daughter, wishes her father would see that she could help more with the farm, but he believes that a girl’s place is in the home. Ben, their youngest, has no interest in farming so is ignored. Sally’s mother makes do knowing her husband wants what’s best for them.

But when Bob decides to take a well-paid job collecting it causes friction in the family, bringing tension to everyone. With Germany is shaking its angry fist at other nations and the threat of another war undermines everything. Times are hard and the future is uncertain, but perhaps the coming years could bring better times. But will the Fothergills survive the oncoming storm?

The Yorkshire Farm Girl by Diane Allen is a heartfelt saga that beautifully captures the struggles and aspirations of a family living in the Yorkshire Dales during the prelude to World War II.

Diane Allen has crafted a tale that not only entertains but also educates readers on the societal norms and beliefs that existed during that era. Through Sally’s story, readers see the harsh realities of gender roles and the struggle for equality in the workplace. Sally’s desire to help out on the farm despite being a girl reflects the struggles women faced in that period.

However, the novel isn’t just about gender roles, but also about family values and how they transcend all difficulties. Bob may be stubborn in his traditional views, but his love for his family is never in question. Similarly, Sally’s mother’s ability to make the best out of every situation while juggling her family responsibilities is commendable. Ben’s rebellion against farming, despite his father’s dreams, is an accurate depiction of the choices youth faced during that time.

The story’s historical backdrop gives a sense of foreboding as war looms, but the focus remains on the family and how they navigate their everyday lives. It shows that despite the impending danger, people still go on living, dreaming, and loving. The family’s strength in the face of uncertainty is inspiring and speaks to the human spirit’s resilience.

In conclusion, The Yorkshire Farm Girl by Diane Allen is a captivating tale that captures the heart of its readers. Its blend of family values, societal beliefs, and historical background creates an emotionally-charged narrative that educates and entertains. It is a reminder that even during challenging times, love and hope can sustain us, and that the human spirit is unbreakable. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a heartfelt read that inspires.

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