#AuthorInterview The Queen of Shards by Jens C. Büdinger @kellyAlacey #Booktwt #AuthorTwt #bookblogger

The Queen of Shards by Jens C. Büdinger

The Queen of Shards by Jens C. Büdinger


Bringing together The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and Inception in an epic action-packed narrative.

Zain is last of the Vampires…
… the Death of the Undeath…
… and now, he’s finally decided to die.

After 700 years, all his efforts and sacrifices meant nothing. He’s killed his kind to save the world from their hunger, but all he’s been left with is everlasting guilt and solitude.

The only one who could save him is Lilith, the first other immortal he’s seen in centuries.

Yet a dark omen follows in her wake…

The Shard she stole hides dark secrets in its reflection that even Zain won’t dare look at. Yet she stares, ceaselessly, into the void that it harbours…

Now, Zain stands at the edge of a precipice. He desperately clings to his false reality while Lilith forces him to embrace the hard truths of the darkness inside him. As Lilith slowly loses herself to the secrets of the Shard and its power, will Zain also suffer the same fate by following her?

All he knows is that he can’t give up, not when he’s this close to finding purpose once more in this pointless existence.


You’ll love The Queen of Shards because it’s a dark fantasy & sci-fi series played on multiple realities featuring a tragically flawed anti-hero, strong heroines and a large cast of complex and morally gray individuals. The book explores many existential and metaphysical themes whilst also carrying the lightness of fun banter between a group of unlikely friends and lovers in a world of epic proportions.

It’s the first book of a series ending on a cliffhanger.
Due to its dramatic dark themes and graphic nature it is recommended for an adult audience.

Author Interview

In 2018 Jens decided to leave his legal career to pursue his own journey. From start-ups to design to crypto and writing, Jens has a wide range of experience and interests making him a nomadic wanderer in a sea of infinite experiences.

Jens’ love of writing and telling stories began at a tender age but was always put on the backburner. This was until November 2019 when Jens finally decided to embark on the dream of writing and completing the Chronicles of Lilith series.

The Chronicles of Lilith’s inception began around 15 years ago. Many books were started and never finished, largely due to time and commitment issues apart from lack of experience. However, this long road brought him back to the writers desk with the commitment and resolve to see this through, whatever it takes.

Jens currently resides in Malta, a little island in the middle of the Mediterranean. He spends his free time gaming gardening, playing guitar and cuddling his cats.

Can you tell us a little about your publishing journey, please?

That’s a long story. I’m most definitely a planner. I leave pantsing for the last undefined 10% of the novel (ie. The scene details etc). I use a massive Miro Board (which is basically a digital whiteboard) where I plan everything and use it as a repository for ideas, themes, character profiles etc. I’m extremely meticulous in this sense and perhaps too much of a perfectionist at time, hence why it takes me a while to release a new book. After that, it’s pretty much the standard journey of most self-published authors, lots of editing, lots of expenses, lots of pain = boundless satisfaction. 

How do you decide who to dedicate your books to?

I dedicate the book to a group of people usually. This is in line with the themes explored by the books. So in the first one its “To all lost souls in a lost world”, since Zain the protagonist is arguably a lost soul struggling to deal with his loneliness and meaninglessness due to his immortality. Whilst in book two its, “To the faithful departed, who endure in our hearts, minds and souls”. This is more to reflect the sacrifices of those who perish in the belief that they devoted their lives to something good, hence the faith.

What was the inspiration behind your latest release?

It’s the sequel to the previous book – the Queen of Shards. Same themes just deeper down the rabbit hole.

Do you find it hard to let your characters go when you finish writing the book?

Not really. I can always revisit them. Though I do get nostalgic sometimes.

What was your favourite read of 2023?

The Origin and History of Consciousness by Eric Neueman. It’s a textbook on psychology and symbolism and how the great symbols that exist throughout our cultures have emerged in tandem with our psychological/cognitive evolution. 

Who is your favourite author?

Can’t say I have a favourite. I also mostly read non-fiction which by and large makes the term “favourite” somewhat redundant. But I had to mention a couple, I would say Oscar Wilde, Will Durant, Carl Jung, Frank Herbert and Viktor Frankl.

Was there a point in your life that a book helped you get through, and which one?

Hmmm, I’ve read many but I’d say two particularly helped. The Toa te Ching of Loa Tzu and Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Both very profound and instrumental in giving you’re the strength and wisdom to navigate the travails of life.

Is there anyone that you would like to mention and thank for their support of your writing?

Definitely Michelle Dawn, a fellow author and critique partner. She was my first author friend and has been instrumental in helping me craft the best version of my books. Also, she’s a great writer too. Check out her stuff at https://www.mdawnauthor.com/ 

If you had the power to give everyone in the world one book, what would it be and why?

My books. They will change your life. If not, you can punch me in the face. Deal? 

What are you working on now?

The next phase of the Chronicles of Lilith needs to be written, and whilst I’m excited to get into it I know that it is going to take a while. I will most likely write the story in one big draft, which may span around 2-3 books of around 350-400 pages. So whilst the eventual output will be wholesome and weaved perfectly together it does entail a longer publication runway. That being said, I do have a few side stories and lore and other fun stuff that I’ll be sharing on my website for free for those interested in getting that extra bit of content.

Lastly, do you have any questions for your readers?

Have you ever felt lost and meaningless in your life? Do you wish to transcend the inevitability of death and nothingness? Are you prepared to stare into the abyss to see past it and into the light? Then pick up The Chronicles of Lilith series and get ready for a journey that will shatter you to your core. Good night.

Ps. Leave reviews, please.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be on my blog today. I am very grateful that you stopped by.

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