Follow the #Virtualbooktour for Allison Consents by D Accord | Proudly organised by @LoveBooksTours #BookTour #SupportingAuthors #BookPromotion

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Allison Consents by D Accord

Worldwide 24th June – 2nd July

Genre: Erotic Romance

Pages: 202

Publisher: Mad Cat Publishing


When recently widowed Allison tells her new found friend that her marriage had been one of convenience, not love, Heather gifts her a book.

Aroused by the four short steamy and romance stories about bondage and submission, the previously unexplored sexual sensations force forty-two year old Allison to examine herself and realise her sexually dead marriage was, in part, her fault. She decide’s she’s ready to break free of the self-imposed and restrictive morality inherited from her family’s Brethren background.

After an online dating disaster Allison runs into Peter, a former colleague. She decides it’s time to take a chance on love.

Author Bio

D Accord is the author of an exciting new Erotic Romance Novel, Allison Consents. She is currently working on a sequel to the book, Allison Explores. Thank you for following and commenting on my books. D Accord also writes as Liza Miles for Cosy Murder Mystery, YA and Women’s Fiction. Her other pen name is Mary-Beth Mazzini for children’s books

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