COVER REVEAL – Janie’s Hope by SR Fabrico | Proudly organised by @lovebookstours @kellyalacey #Booknews #BookCommunity #Readers #Bookbloggers #LBTCrew #2024books

Cover Reveal

Janie’s Hope by SR Fabrico (Book 3 of the Southport Series) 

Cover Reveal 18th June 

Genre: RomanceThriller

In book one, Call Her Janie, we meet Lizzie Levine, the unstoppable female executive at a top New York City marketing firm. Driven by the tragic loss of her parents, Lizzie refuses to let anything stand in her way – until a handsome, enigmatic billionaire named Gray Stone enters the picture. But when Lizzie discovers she’s pregnant with Gray’s child, she learns there’s more to him than meets the eye.

In book two, Keeping Janie, Lizzie reunites with her daughter, Janie, which should be the start of Lizzie’s picture-perfect life. Behind the scenes, however, is a different matter. The happiness of having her daughter back is overshadowed by the fear and distrust of her ex-boyfriend, billionaire Gray Stone.

Book three, Janie’s Hope, will bring a new twist to the charming town of Southport, NC, with new characters for readers to fall in love with. Don’t worry. Many of your favorite old characters will still be there, too, and the happily ever after everyone is patiently waiting for.

With an eloquent and engaging writing style, S.R. Fabrico takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions as you journey with Lizzie through the twists and turns of her life. Whether you’re a fan of suspenseful thrillers or heartwarming love stories, this series is a must-read. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of passion, intrigue, and danger.

Author bio 

S.R. Fabrico is an award-winning author whose literary talents have captivated readers worldwide. With her debut novel, The Secrets We Conceal, and her second novel, Call Her Janie, she has emerged as a rising star in the literary realm. With a remarkable 25-plus-year career in business, marketing, and sports, S.R. Fabrico brings a unique perspective to her writing. As a World Champion Dance Coach and esteemed speaker, she infuses her stories with passion and insight. Residing in Tennessee with her husband and children, S.R. Fabrico continues to create captivating narratives that will transport you to new and extraordinary worlds. Prepare to be enchanted by her exceptional storytelling prowess. In addition to her passion for writing novels, she has published a series of sports journals and a journal for women. She believes that journaling is good for the soul.

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